SunnyD, the beloved drink that’s “superficially related to orange juice” has launched a vodka seltzer. Because… why not?
Their announcement weaponizes the phrase “you asked, we delivered” which is strange considering the mixed response, causing a stir of nostalgia gone too far.
Though they’re not the only brand resurrecting distant flavor memories, they do manage to stand out as one of the more bizarre interpretations.
Does the D Stand for Delight or Despair?
If you want to talk about marketing oriented toward Millennials, well… here it is. This may be one of the most on-the-nose brands when it comes to growing up alongside its customer base.
It’s the duality between a once-sunny disposition and the dreary dark clouds of modern times, for me.
Well, it may have been a little rainy back then, too, but at least we were kids with Tickle Me Elmos and a dream or two.
Maybe depression shouldn’t be a brand strategy, but some may argue that it’s the most honest of all campaigns.
‘90s kids who live in existential dread and the shadow of countless wars and financial collapses will understand this vibe.
Nihilist? Anti-capitalist? Depressed? Drink SunnyD – now with a new take on “spirits.”
Perhaps a climate change direction would be more befitting of the brand. That way, we could drink SunnyD while campaigning for politicians to do something – anything – about our burning planet.
Introducing the SunnyD Vodka Seltzer
Described as bold, flavorful, and refreshing, SunnyD’s new creation is 4.5% alcohol by volume, with only 95 calories, and zero grams of sugar. You can get a single can for $1.99 or a four-pack for $9.99 if you’re committed to the bit.
SunnyD’s vodka beverage is all grown up with less sugar than the original and more “feel better about the world collapsing” juice concentrate as a primary ingredient.
It gives all-new meaning to the brand’s recipes page, with everything from baby-back ribs to party punch. Bonus points if you serve it in Jazz-design Solo cups at your next get-together.
The History of SunnyD
Originally developed in 1963, SunnyD is a tangy orange-flavored beverage most closely associated with Saturday morning cartoons (and commercials), but its biggest fans are old now. Due to its revitalized marketing strategy, the brand has grown more than 30% since 2019.
Pour one out for capitalism – and to honor our fallen Funko Pops.
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